Chimet with you

Chimet supports the territory

“Chimet with You” was created to support projects with a greater social value, including assistance for the elderly, disadvantaged families, people with reduced mobility and schools, but also cultural, recreational and sports initiatives. These are the types of projects that receive and have received the support of Chimet, briefly summarized on this page.

Evento Volpi Rossi con Chimet

Sport, education and social: we support Menarini Volpi Rosse

Our company has started a partnership with the Florentine wheelchair basketball company.


Support for the Association “Gli Occhi della Speranza - ODV”

Chimet con Te supports the association “GLI OCCHI DELLA SPERANZA - ODV” to contribute to the expansion of the only hospital in Sierra Leone, managed by the Giovanni Paolo II Medical Center, which provides free healthcare services to children and adults in need.

Occhi della speranza
Restauro del San Lorenzo di Bartolomeo della Gatta

Restoration of San Lorenzo by Bartolomeo della Gatta

The contribution from Chimet has made it possible to restore the fresco of “San Lorenzo”, a work by Bartolomeo della Gatta, located in the Church of Badia delle Sante Flora e Lucilla in Arezzo.

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“Arena di Janine”
in Rondine, Citadel of Peace

Chimet supports the “Arena di Janine” (“Janine’s Arena”) project, to create a natural arena in the village of Rondine that aims to welcome thousands of young people from all over the world.

La Sala del Tesoro del Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Arezzo

The “Treasure Room” of the National Archaeological Museum of Arezzo

Chimet will help with making the National Archaeological Museum of Arezzo’s ancient coin collection (Il Monetiere) open to the public.

READ THE ARTICLE © Photo: Direzione regionale musei della Toscana |

Restoration of the stained glass windows of San Domenico

In 2015 the restoration of the ancient stained glass windows of the Basilica of San Domenico (Arezzo) began, established by Francesco Mossmeyer in 1919. The operation was made possible thanks to the work of master glassmaker Olimpia Bruni and the support of Chimet.

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Restauro del Polittico di Lorenzetti in Pieve

Restoration of the Polyptych by Lorenzetti in Pieve

In 2018, “Chimet with You” supported the restoration of the Polyptych by Pietro Lorenzetti kept at Pieve di Santa Maria Church in Arezzo.


San Donato Hospital: donation in memory of our former Chairman Morandi

The contribution made by Chimet through Calcit (Autonomous Committee for the Fight Against Cancer) allowed San Donato Hospital in Arezzo to inaugurate a new high-tech endoscopic room. An initiative of “Chimet with You” to honor the memory of accountant Vasco Morandi, the company’s recently passed chairman.

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donazione in memoria del ragionier Morandi
Progetto musicoterapia reparto neonatologia

San Donato Hospital: music therapy project, NICU

With the collaboration of “Chimet with You”, premature babies and infants admitted to the NICU of San Donato Hospital in Arezzo can participate in music therapy sessions to promote their neurological and socio-emotional development.

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Badia al Pino Middle School: donation for the scientific laboratory

In 2019, “Chimet with You” provided funding for scientific equipment for a new laboratory dedicated to science learning at the middle school in Badia al Pino.

Contribuito al restauro del centroanziani

Badia al Pino: contribution to the senior center restoration

In 2018, "Chimet with You” supported the restoration of the Badia al Pino senior center.

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Chimet sponsorizza il mondo dello sport

Chimet sponsors the world of sports

Chimet passionately believes in the value of sports and the virtues it imparts to young people.

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International Fair Play Menarini Award

In 2015, 2016 and 2018, Chimet was an official partner of the International Fair Play Menarini Award, an event aimed at raising awareness and reflecting on the great values of sports and civil society.


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